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babies & toddlers  family 
Raleigh Fall Mini-Sessions – The “P” Family
November 6, 2015  by Kristi 

This session left me speechless. It was utter chaos, and hysterical. We pretty much lost all control...

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babies & toddlers  family 
Fall mini-session – The “A” Family
November 6, 2015  by Kristi 

It was so great to see this family again. Even better this time since little “D” was actually...

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Baby “M” and all her hair!
October 5, 2015  by Kristi 

We have been having non-stop rain the last two weeks which means lots of cancelled and rescheduled sessions....

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Baby “A” – an early arrival
October 4, 2015  by Kristi 

This handsome boy surprised his mom and dad by arriving a month early, exactly like his big sister did 2 years...

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babies & toddlers 
Happy 1st Birthday “A” – Cake Smash
October 4, 2015  by Kristi 

This cutie pie was not happy to see me for her 1 year session, very similar to her 9 month session.  We...

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