This family is so much fun to work with. We have known their parents for years and it has been such an adventure to watch them them grow. Boy was this session a work out. We were all over the place. With 3 under the age of 3 it was pure chaos. Plus my girls and husband were there to “help” out. Pretty safe to say it was more of a distraction than a help. I felt like I was herding cattle. We did still manage to get some great shots though. Here is a quick sneek peek of these adorable twins and their big brother.
I can hardly believe this handsome little fellow turned 1 yesterday. He’s fully mobile and exploring the world and I still remember taking his newborn photos. He was such a cutie pie today with those huge brown eyes and lashes. When it came to his cupcake there was no hesitation that, he picked it up and went for it like a champ. Mom and Dad had to pry it out of his hands =) Happy 1st birthday Logan. It has been a joy and honor to watch you grow over the past year!